Arizona Content Standards (K-4)
Hello, teachers!
Below are some suggestions on how to tie Whispers of the Wolf to Arizona Content Standards for Social Studies. Whispers of the Wolf comes with end notes which provide further informational text for each illustration. When appropriate, these notes are repeated here for your convenience and additional information is included as well.
Strand 1 – American History
Concept 1: Research Skills for History
PO 2. Listen to recounts of historical events and people and discuss how they relate to present day.
PO 3. Sequence recounts of historical events and people using the concepts of before and after.
Concept 2: Early Civilizations
PO 1. Recognize that Native Americans are the original inhabitants of North America.
Strand 2 – World History
Concept 2: Early Civilizations
PO 2. Recognize that early civilizations improved their lives through advancements (e.g., domestication of animals, tools, farming methods, calendars).
Strand 3 – Civics/Government
Concept 4: Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship
PO 2. Recognize the rights and responsibilities of citizenship:
a. elements of fair play, good sportsmanship, and the idea of treating others the way you want to be treated
b. importance of participation and cooperation in a classroom and community
PO 3. Discuss the importance of students contributing to a community (e.g., helping others, working together, cleaning up the playground).
Strand 4 – Geography
Concept 1: The World in Spatial Terms
PO 4. Identify land and water on maps, illustrations, images, and globes.
Concept 2: Places and Regions
PO 1. Recognize through images how people live differently in other places and times.
Concept 3: Physical Systems
(Science Strands are summarized below as they apply to Social Studies content in Grades K-8. These concepts are reinforced in Social Studies classes, but assessed through Science.)
Science Strand 4 Concept 3: Identify plants and animals in the local environment.
Science Strand 6 Concept 3: Understand the characteristics of weather and how it affects people.
Concept 4: Human Systems
PO 1. Discuss the food, clothing, housing, recreation, and celebrations practiced by cultural groups in the local community.
Concept 5: Environment and Society
PO 1. Identify the origin of natural resources (e.g., fish from sea, minerals from the ground, wood from trees, food from farms).
Strand 1 – American History
Concept 2: Early Civilizations
PO 1. Recognize that the development of farming allowed groups of people to settle in one place and develop into cultures/civilizations (e.g., Ancestral Puebloans (Anasazi), Hohokam, Moundbuilders, Aztec, Mayan).
PO 2. Recognize that settlement led to developments in farming techniques (e.g., irrigation), government, art, architecture, and communication in North America.
Strand 2 – World History
Concept 2: Early Civilizations
PO 3. Recognize that civilizations in the Americas had similar characteristics to the Egyptians.
Strand 3 – Civics/Government
Concept 4: Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship
PO 2. Recognize the rights and responsibilities of citizenship:
a. elements of fair play, good sportsmanship, and the idea of treating others the way you want to be treated
b. importance of participation and cooperation in a classroom and community
PO 3. Discuss the importance of students contributing to a community (e.g., helping others, working together, cleaning up the playground).
Strand 4 – Geography
Concept 2: Places and Regions
PO 2. Discuss physical features (e.g., mountains, rivers, deserts) in the world.
Concept 3: Physical Systems
(Science Strands are summarized below as they apply to Social Studies content in Grades K-8. These concepts are reinforced in Social Studies classes, but assessed through Science.)
Science Strand 4 Concept 3: Identify, compare, and describe plants and animals in various habitats.
Science Strand 6 Concept 1: Identify the basic properties and uses of earth materials (rocks, soil, water, conservation).
Science Strand 6 Concept 2: Identify objects in the sky (sun, moon, stars, clouds).
Science Strand 6 Concept 3: Understand characteristics of weather patterns and how they affect daily activities.
Concept 4: Human Systems
PO 1. Discuss elements of cultural (e.g., food, clothing, housing, sports, holidays) of a community in areas studied (e.g., local community, Arizona, Egypt).
Concept 5: Environment and Society
PO 1. Identify ways (e.g., clothing, housing, crops) humans adapt to their environment.
Strand 1 – American History:
Concept 1: Research Skills for History
PO 3. Recognize how archaeological research adds to our understanding of the past.
Strand 3 – Civics/Government
Concept 4: Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship
PO 2. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizenship:
a. elements of fair play, good sportsmanship, and the idea of treating others the way you want to be treated
b. importance of participation and cooperation in a classroom and community
PO 3. Describe the importance of students contributing to a community (e.g., helping others, working together, service projects).
Strand 4 – Geography
Concept 5: Environment and Society
PO 1. Identify ways (e.g., agriculture, structures, roads) in which humans depend upon, adapt to, and impact the earth.
PO 2. Recognize ways of protecting natural resources.
Strand 5 – Economics
Concept 1: Foundations of Economics
PO 1. Discuss how scarcity requires people to make choices due to their unlimited needs and wants with limited resources.
PO 2. Discuss that opportunity cost occurs when people make choices and something is given up (e.g., if you go to the movies, you can’t also go to the park).
Strand 1 – American History:
Concept 1: Research Skills for History
PO 3. Recognize how archaeological research adds to our understanding of the past.
Strand 3 – Civics/Government
Concept 4: Rights, Responsibilities, and Roles of Citizenship
PO 1. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizenship:
a. good sportsmanship
b. participation and cooperation
PO 2. Describe the importance of students contributing to a community (e.g., service projects, cooperating, volunteering).
Strand 4 – Geography
Concept 3: Physical Systems
(Science Strands are summarized below as they apply to Social Studies content in Grades K-8. These concepts are reinforced in Social Studies classes, but assessed through Science.)
Science Strand 3 Concept 1: Describe major factors that impact human populations and the environment.
Science Strand 4 Concept 3: Explain the relationships among plants and animals in different environments.
Science Strand 4 Concept 4: Describe ways species adapt to environments and what happens if they cannot adapt.
Concept 4: Human Systems
PO 1. Describe changes over time in transportation (e.g., animal, boat, train, motorized vehicle, aircraft).
PO 2. Describe changes over time in communication networks (e.g., telegraph, telephone, postal, internet).
Strand 5 – Economics
Concept 1: Foundations of Economics
PO 1. Discuss how scarcity requires people to make choices due to their unlimited needs and wants with limited resources.
PO 2. Identify opportunity costs in personal decision-making situations.
Strand 1 – American History
Concept 2: Early Civilizations
PO 1. Describe the legacy and cultures of prehistoric people in the Americas:
a. characteristics of hunter-gatherer societies
b. development of agriculture
PO 2. Describe the cultures and contributions of the Mogollon, Ancestral Puebloans (Anasazi), and Hohokam (e.g., location, agriculture, housing, arts, trade networks; adaptation and alteration of the environment).
Strand 4 – Geography
Concept 2: Places and Regions
PO 1. Describe how the Southwest has distinct physical and cultural characteristics.
Concept 3: Physical Systems
(Science Strands are summarized below as they apply to Social Studies content in Grades K-8. These concepts are reinforced in Social Studies classes, but assessed through Science.)
Science Strand 6 Concept 2: Understand processes acting on the earth (erosion, floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, forest fires) and evidence of their occurrence. Science Strand 6 Concept 3: Understand characteristics of weather conditions and climate.
Concept 5: Environment and Society
PO 1. Describe human dependence on the physical environment and natural resources to satisfy basic needs.
Concept 6: Geographic Applications
PO 1. Describe the impact of geographic features (e.g., rivers, mountains, resources, deserts, climate) on migration and the location of human activities (e.g., exploration, mining, transportation routes, settlement patterns).